I Want To Showcase

Our Open Data & Consent Policy

As part of I Want To Showcase’s commitment to streamlining business processes in the live performance industry, performing artists and their representatives are invited to release their performer profile and showcase application information as linked open data.

Open Data Policy Details

What Open Data Involves

With your consent, all non-sensitive performer profile information you submit in I Want To Showcase may be:

  • Released as open data under Creative Commons CC0 license;
  • Translated into machine-readable structured data;
  • Made available for reuse via the Artsdata knowledge graph;
  • Assigned unique persistent identifiers;
  • Interlinked with other data from open knowledge bases and from authoritative public sources (including your own website).

Once performer profile information is released as linked open data under this policy, it will be available for reuse by other parties for other purposes as well.

What Kind of Information May Be Released As Open Data

By “non-sensitive” information we refer to information that is of a public nature such as the information that one would expect to find on a performing artist’s website or electronic press kit. This includes, for example:

  • Performer name
  • Performer website
  • Performer category

Information of a transactional nature, such as performance fees, is deemed sensitive information and will not be released as open data. Similarly, personal information, such as performer email, will not be released as open data.

What Are The Benefits of Open Data

There are as many potential benefits to open data as their are ways to reuse information about a performing artist:

  • Other industry platforms supporting block booking or touring activities will be able to easily find, access and load performing artist information into their database, which will streamline their own processes.
  • Similarly, any event listing site, be it a presenter’s site, a ticketing site or a destination marketing site will be able to enrich their event data with your performer data when it is made accessible in open knowledge bases such as Artsdata;
  • Search engines love information about clearly identifiable entities. Releasing authoritative performing artist information as linked open data is an effective way to help Google and Bing carve a place for you in their knowledge graph.

Providing Your Consent

Your express consent is required to benefit from this open data initiative. You may provide your consent by updating your performer profile or by submitting a showcase application.