I Want To Showcase

Frequently Asked Questions

It’s our hope this FAQ section will provide answers to any questions you have about the IWTS application process. If there’s a topic we haven’t covered, please send us your suggestions. If you need any additional help related to a specific conference, please contact the organizers directly.

Learn How With Tutorials!
We have a series of quick tutorials and walkthroughs in a playlist on YouTube that explain how to use your account and create applications.

Questions List


Applying to Conferences

  • Which conferences can I apply for?
  • Why do I need to add Applicant Details?
  • Why do I need to create Performer Profiles?
  • How do I apply for a conference?
  • How does Manage Applications options work?
  • How do I edit and complete applications?
  • How do I apply for another conference? / How do I use a template?
  • Can I edit my application after I’ve finished it?
  • I made a mistake in my application. How can I fix it?
  • My performer name is incorrect or has a typo. Should I start a new application or create another profile?
  • How do I cancel or delete an application?
  • I cancelled my application by mistake. How do I get it back?
  • How to I get an invitation to an Invite-Only conference?

Deadlines, Fees & Payments

  • What do I need to know about submission deadlines?
  • What happens if I miss a submission deadline?
  • What do I need to know about Early Bird deadlines?
  • What happens if I miss an Early Bird deadline?
  • Why do performers from certain provinces/states sometimes receive a lower rate?
  • Why do some applicants receive a lower rate for being a member of a certain organization?
  • How can I pay my application fee?
  • What happens if I don’t pay my application fee?


  • How will I know if I’ve been accepted to showcase?
  • How long are showcases?
  • Can I change the performance planned for the showcase?
  • What are the costs related to showcasing?


  • What am I required to submit in my application?
  • Can I still apply if I’m missing required materials for my application?
  • If I don’t have a program description, can I list the repertoire instead?
  • If my technical requirements are very simple, like a couple of chairs, what do I submit?
  • What if my video isn’t high quality? / What should my video contain?


  • Why am I asked to self-identify? How is self-identification information used?
  • Why am I asked for my place of birth? How is birthplace information used?
  • What are the Artsdata ID and the Wikidata ID?
  • I have a question you haven’t answered here. / I need help with the website. Who do I contact?